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TALK! BOOzine chats with EAT ME

Boo! shivered outside Platform 5 with the awesome Eat me to talk about fruit, songwriting and why anyone would ever be late for band practice. If you haven't had the pleasure, my sister-in-law described this energetic four-peice as being 'Like a violent Hanson', they describe themselves as 'shambolic rock' and 'something that sounds fun'. Kerry: 'So Eat me, what's the name all about?' Jamie: 'It's Alice in Wonderland. 'Drink me' and she gets smaller and then 'Eat me' she gets larger therefore Eat me will make you larger. Jack: Its quite good also because you can put any item of food on an album cover and it will fit. So we went with Banana for the first one. K: What's next? Jm: It's going to be Melon I think, that's very trendy right now, so the kids will dig it. Cam: I particularly like Cantoloupe Melons. K: How do you write your songs? Jm: It's just four guys in a practice room. Someone will come in with a riff or maybe a bit more and we will just play it a ridiculous amount of times and we will think ‘this is rubbish', but we will just keep playing it and playing it. The songs that we've got now, we've been playing for about a year and we are now just about ready to record them. Jc: Yeah I think all of them, they started off and we were like, 'we're not too happy with that' but we'll just keep playing and then we'll be like 'maybe if we just change that' but to be honest they haven't changed that much we've just got used to how bad it is. K: So you are recording some new songs, what's the evolution of the new songs, what's changed? Jc: The last EP was quite poppy, we've gone a bit more rock. Liam: The old songs were quite short and to the point and these ones are a bit longer and we added more sections and we're experimenting more, trying different time signatures. Jm: A prog-indie vibe. Way more techy. It's four guys who were really good at what they did (but now they are just)over-reaching. K: What are you wanting to say with your new songs? Jm: There's a lot of break-up songs. C: And there was on the last EP and the one before, funny that.. Jc: There's also a song about being dedicated to the band. K: I remember that song, it's awesome, especially the drumming. How did the current line up get together? L: We originally had another drummer but now I couldn't imagine having another drummer. Jm: At first we weren't sure because we thought Cam wasn't playing drums much but now he is just the most impressive drummer I've ever met.

K: What makes your sound in terms of gear?

Jc: Jamie and I have just bought some new guitars, we've each got one from Pure Salem in Florida.

Jm: Me and Jack use a lot of gain stages so our whole sound is layered gain, its that classic 90s clean in the verse and textures of gain.

L: Ampeg is described as the name in bass amplification and that is the direction I'm going in. I use Boss pedals.

C: I bought this cymbal recently that has been fired twice and I'm told it will mature with age, I also recently added using a cowbell.

K: So, I've listened to some of your pod casts and you all seem to get on really well together, but what about each other annoys you?

C: Jamie is just an idiot, I just can’t stand him. Same with Jack. (Laughs) No, I'm struggling to think of anything which is a good sign.

L: A lot of things annoy me. I can't stand people being unorganised. Everyone should at every point in every day know what's going on and if you are late for something then why? You've had time to get there, be on time, I just don't get it. I'm like a german person, but with a sense of humour.

K: I know that you love a bit of Vengaboys but are there any other musical guilty pleasures?

Jc: I don't feel guilty. A bit of Katy Perry, bit of Justin Timbalake.

C: Yep, Justin Timbalake 'Rock your body'. That bass drum pattern is on point.

K: If you are going to a Halloween party or gig, what are you going to dress up as?

Jm: Kiss. It's a classic.

C: I'd like to dress as a pumpkin in a really big pumpkin suit so it would look really weird when I'm playing the drums.

K: What do you want to stick on the Halloween playlist? C: Thriller, Michael Jackson Jc: Monster Mash L: Ghostbusters theme tune.

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